When it comes to transport and product distribution, pallets are an essential part of all businesses. 

Unfortunately, they are frequently treated as general waste after use. Many of these pallets can often be reconditioned and may even mean Holly Blue purchase these pallets. If they are undesirable sizes, where there is no demand, we can often still move these up the waste hierarchy. The wood used in pallets is clean and untreated and is classed a “A” grade. This means there is demand for this to be used elsewhere. It can be recycled into animal bedding or supplied to the UK panel board industry.

Please note: as part of our commercial waste management in Colchester and nationwide, we can also help manage waste plastic pallets, whether they be for reuse of for the plastic to be recycled.

It can also be beneficial to sperate other types of wood waste that can then be used as biomass to generate energy.

Let us dispose of your unwanted pallets and wood in an effective and environmentally-friendly manner.




Effective Recycling of Unwanted Wood

Let Holly Blue provide an eco-friendly solution. Call us today on 07368 118 024 or email to learn more about our services and how we can help your business.

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